40-Yard Dumpster

Large Demolition Projects, Long-Term Construction

40-Yard Dumpster

Why Select a 40-Yard Dumpster?

40-yard dumpsters are ideal for larger projects, such as estate cleanouts or renovations, warehouse cleanups, demolition projects and construction jobs.

How Big is a 40-Yard Dumpster?

40-yard dumpsters typically measure 22 feet long by 7 feet, 6 inches wide by 8 feet tall. Exact dimensions may vary slightly, but the overall capacity and volume of each 40-yard dumpster is the same.

Is a 40-Yard Dumpster Right For Your Project?

  • Large construction jobs.
  • Commercial renovations.
  • Home remodels.


Not sure what dumpster size is right for you? Call us at 732-471-8900 and we'll help you select the right size and type of dumpster for your specific needs. We have over 60 years of experience in both residential and commercial waste removal services and will help you find the best container for your project at the right price.